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IFAMA Student Travel Competition

6 Supporters
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Support Redbirds’ Global Triumph at IFAMA!

Redbirds, let us come together to support Illinois State students on the global stage!

After a stunning victory at the 2024 International Food and Agribusiness Management Association (IFAMA) Global Student Case Competition, ISU is preparing to send a new team to the 2025 competition in Brazil. Your gift can make this possible and help Redbirds represent ISU internationally once again.

In June 2024, a team of six undergraduate students from ISU’s Agriculture and International Business programs won 1st place in the IFAMA Global Student Case Competition in Spain. Competing against over 20 teams from nine countries, ISU students tackled a complex case focused on sustainability in the seed industry and the role of the International Seed Federation. They were given just four hours to analyze the case and present their solutions to a panel of academic and industry experts. Read news story here.

We need your help to reach our goal

Now, the team is preparing for the 2025 conference in Ribeirao Preto, Brazil, this summer. Though our total cost/need is $35,000, we are setting our crowdfunding goal for $8,000 initially to get us started.

Generous alumni have already given $3,875 and they challenge the rest of us to support as well to help us reach our total need. 

Every gift, no matter the size, will help Redbirds represent the university and showcase their skills on the international stage. 

Why Your Support Matters

Your gifts will support a team of 6-8 students studying Agribusiness (Agriculture and International Business) - covering their travel, accommodations, and preparation for the competition. These funds will give students the opportunity to apply their skills, work in an interdisciplinary environment, and network with agribusiness leaders from around the world.

The IFAMA competition is the only international student case competition in the food and agribusiness sector, offering a unique experience for  these talented students to make their mark globally.

Help ISU send the next team to the 2025 IFAMA competition and continue building a legacy of excellence.

Why are donations necessary? Testimonials from our Redbirds:

"The moment I will remember forever is the excitement and emotions our team shared after it was announced that we won the global competition. We were beyond proud of ourselves for making it as far as we did but winning was the icing on the cake. In a few years down the road, the plaques may become another object in a storage box, but that memory we all share is something I know will stick with us for the rest of our lives." – Rodney Billerbeck

 "Through this experience, I learned that there isn't one right way to do things. Different parts of the world do things completely differently based on their needs, and it doesn't make their ways wrong; they are just different. This was very eye opening to me, and I think in my future career it will open my eyes to seeing different people’s perspectives on situations giving me a more open mind on how to solve different problems I encounter in the future." – Brandt Faivre

"From this experience, I learned so much about things I would have never even thought about when it comes to agriculture, from all the different sectors to the technology and science within it. This experience can impact my future career in great ways because had I not been done this; I probably wouldn’t have even thought about applying for jobs in the agriculture industry because I only knew the corn and soybean part of it. However, now knowing that there is so much more to it, when the time comes, I will most definitely look for jobs with agribusiness companies. It may also lead me to pursuing a master’s degree in agribusiness at some point in my life." – Leo Kruger

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